Click on any of the links below to access on-line learning
School Email
This is where you will be able to communicate with your class teacher, in the event of lockdown or self-isolation. It is also where you will find video lessons taught by your own teacher and other teachers. Your teacher will give you feedback on the work you have completed via email also. Your school password will give you access to this. Please refer to your bookmark, if you need reminding of your log-in and password. Remember to NEVER share your password with anyone else.
Click here to access the school email.
Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to log into your child's school email account.
Purple Mash
Please click here for Purple Mash
TT Rockstars (Years 2,3,4,5,6)
Click here to log in to TT rockstars
Numbots (years R-2)
Click here to log in to Numbots.
Cracking comprehension
Click here to access Cracking comprehension.
(your log in and password is exactly the same as purple mash - you do not need to write anything in the box labelled Centre ID)
Spag. com (Years 3,4,5,6)
Click here to log in to
You can practise your 'Top Ten' by following the link on this page and playing the games that have been linked for you. Keep a track of your own scores! We would love for you to tell us how you are improving. You will find lots of other exciting links to games and websites that will help you with your home learning.