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St Anne's Catholic Primary School

"Love one another as I have loved you in our home, school and Parish family"

School Council

Each year, members of the school council are democratically voted in by their peers.  This is a really exciting time for the children, and those interested in representing their classes are busy writing their manifestos as we speak.  We are always delighted with the number of children who put themselves forward and are hugely impressed with their ideas and visions put forward when they deliver their presentations.


Head Boy and Girl and House Captains

As well as our school council Year 6 children are able to put themselves forward to be Head Boy and Girl. Any candidates will prepare a short speech of why they should be chosen and present this in front of the school. The whole school community then gets to vote on who's this years Head Boy and Girl. Runners up will become the the Deputy Head Boy and Girl. 

House Captains are chosen from Year 6 and they lead the House teams throughout the year and have the important task of counting up the house point counters.