Promoting British Values
At St. Anne's Catholic Primary School, we centre children's education on not only their academic progress, but also their progress as individual people and citizens.
We offer a wide range of experiences and activities that, combined with our general school policies, aims, vision and values, promote each child's personal development and core values needed, to be a successful and valuable member of our society. We believe in educating the children in our care to be good citizens and to develop the skills they need to have a successful and productive life in modern Britain.
We celebrate cultural diversity in our school and community through visits, assemblies and more, whilst learning what it is to be a British citizen. We provide a broad and balanced PSHE, RE and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC) curriculum which explicitly teaches the children the importance of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths.
We are committed to keeping St. Anne's Catholic Primary School children safe and happy in order for them to grow and flourish to their full potential in all aspects of their lives.
Promoting British Values at St. Anne's
Rule of Law |
- Pupils have regular opportunities to reflect on their learning and behaviour during assemblies and PSHE
- Annual pupil interviews and surveys on behaviour
- Parent/carer questionnaires relating to behaviour/safety etc.
- Police/PCSO visits - age of criminal responsibility
- Assemblies with a focus linked to the law e.g. Our 3 school rules
- Fire Brigade and Police - regular visits to all children from EYFS to KS2
- Class Charter - created from three key school rules
- Mission Statement - children and staff understand and live our school Mission Statement.
- Code of Practice - All staff adhere to the school code of practice
- Values and Virtues - Children taught and encouraged to live out values and virtues each day. Half termly focus of different pairs of virtues.
- Internet law and safety - support and up to date information given to parents and through workshops, leaflets and the newsletter. Internet safety lessons taught and also regular visit from PSCO to talk to KS2 about online safety.
Mutual Respect |
- PSHE Curriculum
- Positive relationships encouraged and modelled
- Inclusive ethos
- RE curriculum
- Anti-bullying week
- School Council
- Parent questionnaires/forums
- Book Buddies
- Sports fixtures with local schools
- Community events (Remembrance of the green etc...)
- Assessment for Learning
- Peer assessment
Tolerance |
- Stories from World Faiths and Cultures
- Studies about other countries important to our community as part of the curriculum
- RE curriculum - study of other faiths and visits to different places of worship
- Equalities Policy and accessibility plan
- Reflection opportunities in Collective worship
- Visits and Visitors - Our children have many opportunities throughout the year to take part in an extensive variety of school trips and residentials. We value this greatly as it enriches the children's learning in and outside of the classroom.
Democracy |
- Pupils involved in democratic processes: School council and Head Boy and Girl elections
- Democracy themed Assemblies - election time
- School council
- Eco committee
- Democracy units in PSHE
- Parliament - Year 6 children visited the Houses of Parliament and took part in workshops.
- Class debates in R.E and English lessons - children are encourages to express their views and feelings. All children are supported in having their voice heard.
Responsibility & Liberty |
- Understanding responsibility in terms of behaviour and learning attitudes - Three school rules
- Roles and responsibilities (Librarians, GIFT team, Eco team, Science Ambassadors, House Captains etc)
- Our school vision and values
- Visits from police and fire service
- Local/National charity fundraising (CAFOD, Children in need, red nose day, sports relief, NSPCC, water aid, Save the children)
- Independent learning - children are encourages to make choices during activities and their own learning through being responsible of their targets and next steps in learning.
- Worker of the Week - weekly awards as part of our Friday 'Celebration' assembly.
- Prayer services - Led by children on a theme or issue of their choice. Children work in small groups to encourage team work.
- Anti Bullying - firmly established within school.
- All staff support pupils in developing their self esteem, self knowledge and self confidence which encourages the children to be independent and inspirational learners.