The Nursery Day
Monday to Thursday:
Gates open at 8.45am for the children to filter into classes they will close at 8.55am
Morning session 8.45am – 11.45am (COLLECTION FROM THE SIDE GATE by the main office)
Afternoon Session 12.15 – 3.30pm
30 hours funded session – 8.45am – 3.30pm
Morning session 8.45am – 11.45am (COLLECTION FROM THE SIDE GATE by the main office)
Afternoon Session 12.15 – 2.15pm
30 hours funded session – 8.45am – 2.15pm
Children who attend 30 hours sessions will be required to bring their own healthy packed lunch from home each day.
Please telephone school as early as possible on your child’s first day of absence providing a reason for the
absence and the expected return to school date.
The School Day
Monday to Thursday:
Gates Open at 08.45 for the children to filter into classes.
Classes start: 08.55
End of school day: 15.30
Gates Open at 08.45 for the children to filter into classes.
Classes start: 08.55
End of school day: 14.15
Please telephone school as early as possible on your child’s first day of absence providing a reason for the
absence and the expected return to school date.
Lunchtime: 12.00 - 12.45